Great Resources & Downloads!

Reverse musculo-skeletal AGING  (2021 update) : AgeLess

Neck-Arm Tendinitis & self-care guide:  Neck-Arm

Low Back self-care guide:  LOW.BACK

Headache-TMJ-Neck pain self-care manual:  HA.TMJ.NECK 

Office Ergonomics manual officeErgoEbook

MSD pathomechanics references.. MSDpathomechan&refs

MSD prevention guide.. ErgoTeamEbook

My Self-study course on how to create this consulting practice for yourself; course info: SelfStudyInfo

** Lauren’s email…

Web site for workplaces to preview PT prevention services

Another Self-study course “The Injured Worker” from APTA Orthopaedic Section at….Visit their web site to learn more about the course and to register; course 24.1

better link here..


How to Build Your Consulting Practice?   Simply “copy” mine !

Why try to re-invent the wheel? You can invest many many hours building your version of Workplace MSD School, Office Ergonomics School, Aging Worker School, Back School, Neck-Arm CTD School on PowerPoint, author up your presentation content, develop marketing materials, assemble supportive evidence, etc… then try to sell this to workplace clients, but unable to demonstrate to them any outcomes.

OR… you can simply acquire my entire system already fully developed and use my outcomes as a selling point to gain paying client workplaces.
I have my entire consulting practice stored on CD or thumbdrive… to allow any other PT to duplicate my practice format for themselves. _PracticeStartupKit

It is worthwhile to consider this practice format for yourself. It is fully cash-based, no insurance billing ripoffs, $300/hr onsite consulting rate, virtually unlimited client base. It is quite easy to do. You can easily manage your schedule, full-time or part-time. No office or clinic overhead costs. All work is done at the client workplace. Setup and ongoing operating costs are truly tiny.

My consulting practice “kit” is all set for you to run with, once you learn its content (easy). The challenge is to effectively market this to potential client workplaces. Most PTs are NOT very good at that. But I am. After doing this since 1982, I have successfully overcome every client objection, barrier, resistance you can think of. You can use my web site to allow your client workplaces to examine the preview and supportive evidence. Since you a using my program, you can use my track record of outcomes (encompassing hundreds of workplaces over many years).

If you paid $600 for this “kit”, you recover that cost with one-half day of providing billed services to a client workplace. How often does that happen with a ROI ?

FMI: email me at


Excellent on eccentric exercises for tendinopathy:

Managing LB Pain Risks (2) :

Critical factors re Subacromial Impingement Sx (posture, etc)

Non-surgery Rx for Rotator Cuff Tears:

Neuromotor changes in tendinosis…

The self-study The Injured Worker (APTA Ortho Section)

An interesting(?) MSD treatment protocol summary worksheet for my students treating MSD-injured workers-patients…


Collection of evidence-literature references, some older but all good..

Lauren’s study.. Ergo&Stretchstudy

Literature lists… Stretch&BSevidence

Plus… LotsofRefsEvidence

Plus… OlderButGreatRefs

Author: laurendpt

Dr. Physical Therapy, Ortho Specialist, Ergonomics Specialist, founder of IMPACC and the No-Lost-Time MSD Prevention & Ergonomics & Aging Worker programs. Home in Dixfield, ME

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